Data Subject Access Request


Please be as specific as possible. 

Date of Birth - DD/MM/YYYY

    Email Mail

Current Irish Residential Address

Please enter any previous Irish residential address you have held in the last 12 years.

Previous Irish Residential Addresses (1)

Previous Irish Residential Addresses (2)

Previous Irish Residential Addresses (3)

Experian Employee or Recruitment Candiate Information.

Employee Information.

If you currently work for Experian or have done so in the past, we may hold data regarding you and your employement. This includes, but is not limitied to:

       Details of your contracts of employment
       A list of your job roles whilst you worked with us
       Learning and reward information

Recruitment Candidate Information.

If you have applied for a job at Experian in the last 12 months, we may hold data relating to you and your job application. This includes, but is not limited to:

       General application information
       CV and past employement information

To request employee or recruitment data, please answer the following questions to help us locate your details and information

What information do you require

    Employee Candidate Both

What Years did you work at Experian (if relevant)?

When did you apply to work at Experian?

What position did you apply for?

Please provide details of any specific information you require?

Existing customer login

Date of Birth - DD/MM/YYYY